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Our mission

Working together to provide safe and quality homes for those in need

Where it all began

Originally formed by the London Borough of Newham as an innovative and independent vehicle for the acquisition and refurbishment of temporary accommodation; we work in nine local authority areas across London and Essex. We continue to acquire and refurbish properties and we also offer intermediate rented homes for local key workers.

Our Corporate Objectives

  • Homes that people want to live in
  • Services that our customers are happy with
  • Being a successful and well managed organisation
  • Beyond Bricks

Our mission

Working together to provide safe and quality homes for those in need

Where it all began

Originally formed by the London Borough of Newham as an innovative and independent vehicle for the acquisition and refurbishment of temporary accommodation; we work in nine local authority areas across London and Essex. We continue to acquire and refurbish properties and we also offer intermediate rented homes for local key workers.

Our Corporate Objectives

  • Homes that people want to live in
  • Services that our customers are happy with
  • Being a successful and well managed organisation
  • Beyond Bricks

Who we are & what we do

We provide safe, secure, good quality homes for those who need them most. We help local authorities by offering an alternative to the poor quality, expensive private sector accommodation often used for temporary accommodation. During our growth period commencing in 2016 we partnered with Newham Council to purchase 800 new homes. The remaining 76 properties were completed in 2021.

Our customers are often families and individuals who have needs other than just housing. To help them to maintain their tenancies successfully we want to ensure that they can easily access all the support they need. We will assess the value of forging new partnerships with other services which work alongside housing such as health, care, support and education because we recognise that our resources are likely to be more effective when they are joined up.

Our customers’ health and safety is at the forefront of our new strategic direction. We provide good quality and safe housing, investing in both our new and existing homes. We will reduce our carbon footprint wherever we can in the investment in our homes. Our tenants are our customers: by respecting their views, wishes, needs and feedback we will deliver a service that meets their needs and continuously improves. We want our tenants to feel valued and we will provide as wide a service as possible to support our customers to have sustainable and successful tenancies.

Our business model is innovative and financially successful. We have been re-affirmed a top credit rating of AA – credit rating from S&P Global Ratings 6 years on the run and at our last IDA we achieved top level ratings of G1 and V1 from the Regulator of Social Housing for our governance and viability.

Who we are & what we do

We provide safe, secure, good quality homes for those who need them most. We help local authorities by offering an alternative to the poor quality, expensive private sector accommodation often used for temporary accommodation. During our growth period commencing in 2016 we partnered with Newham Council to purchase 800 new homes. The remaining 76 properties will be completed by 2021.

Our customers are often families and individuals who have needs other than just housing. To help them to maintain their tenancies successfully we want to ensure that they can easily access all the support they need. We will assess the value of forging new partnerships with other services which work alongside housing such as health, care, support and education because we recognise that our resources are likely to be more effective when they are joined up.

Our customers’ health and safety is at the forefront of our new strategic direction. We provide good quality and safe housing, investing in both our new and existing homes. We will reduce our carbon footprint wherever we can in the investment in our homes. Our tenants are our customers: by respecting their views, wishes, needs and feedback we will deliver a service that meets their needs and continuously improves. We want our tenants to feel valued and we will provide as wide a service as possible to support our customers to have sustainable and successful tenancies.

Our business model is innovative and financially successful. We have been re-affirmed a top credit rating of AA – credit rating from S&P Global Ratings 4 years on the run. In 2020 our AA- rating came with a Stable outlook for the future and Local Space was the only housing association to achieve that rating for the year. At our last IDA we achieved  G1 and V1 ratings from our Regulator, the HCA.

Our Values

Our work is based on our values of putting people first, working with integrity, being open to innovation and working in partnership with like-minded organisations. Our values are the foundation of our organisation and shape how we deliver services. This is what our values mean to us:

People First

This is a people focused business – services to people from people. We invest in our staff so that they can provide the best experience possible to those who use our services. We treat people as people – warmly, politely and honestly.


It matters that we act with integrity in all our dealings. We treat people with fairness, respect and in a trustworthy manner. Treating our residents as customers is part of our respectful approach and helps us maintain the highest levels of service.

Encouraging Creativity

Our staff are our greatest resource and are our ambassadors. Together, drawing on our collective skills, qualities and experience, we deliver the best possible service to our customers. Our staff know they are making a difference to people’s lives.


We recognise that partnership working is about joining forces with others to stretch our resources further and achieve more than we could have done alone.

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