Our Values

Our Values

Our work is based on our values of putting people first, working with integrity, being open to innovation and working in partnership with like-minded organisations. Our values are the foundation of our organisation and shape how we deliver services. This is what our values mean to us:

People First

This is a people focused business – services to people from people. We invest in our staff so that they can provide the best experience possible to those who use our services. We treat people as people – warmly, politely and honestly.


It matters that we act with integrity in all our dealings. We treat people with fairness, respect and in a trustworthy manner. Treating our residents as customers is part of our respectful approach and helps us maintain the highest levels of service.

Encouraging Creativity

Our staff are our greatest resource and are our ambassadors. Together, drawing on our collective skills, qualities and experience, we deliver the best possible service to our customers. Our staff know they are making a difference to people’s lives.


We recognise that partnership working is about joining forces with others to stretch our resources further and achieve more than we could have done alone.

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